What does my campaign performance depend on?

The success of campaigns in the digital advertising marketplace depends on a number of factors. Think of advertising as an online marketplace, where everyone is trying to get the best spots for customers' attention. There are two very important things to consider here: how much you pay per click and how interesting your ad is to people.

How much do we pay per click (CPC)?

It's like an auction, where we tell you how much we're willing to pay if someone clicks on our ad. If we pay more, we have a better chance of getting more space, but that alone is not enough.

How interesting is our ad? (CTR)

The CTR, or click-through rate, shows how many people decide to click on your ad when they see it. If a lot of people click, it means we are doing well because people are interested in our offer. What constitutes a good click-through rate depends on many factors, such as the platform used, the target audience for the product or service, etc.

As a rule of thumb, an average ad has a CTR of roughly 0.1%, which means that it gets an average of one click per 1,000 impressions.

Methods to improve performance

If you're getting few clicks, or you feel your ad isn't getting enough impressions, here are some tips on what you can do:

If interest is low (low CTR)

Create a more interesting ad: Try to use more eye-catching images or text. Think about what would attract the attention of your prospective customers!

Create ad variations: Sometimes one ad works better than another. Try different combinations of images and text to see what works best.

If the ad does not appear enough times

Increase the CPC price: if you are willing to pay more for a click, your ad is more likely to appear on the platforms.

Reconsidering targeting: if you have chosen too narrow a targeting or manually assigned content categories, your ad may only appear on a very limited number of surfaces, so it is worth considering whether these restrictions are necessary. As you are still in competition with other advertisers in the targeted locations, you can increase your priority by increasing the CPC price.

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