Media owners
If you strive not only for revenue but quality and customer satisfaction
Content types
in |related| widget
Product features
Tailored design
|Related| recommendations adapt to the design of the site
Supreme customer satisfaction
Visitors have access to articles and advertisements relevant to their interest
Source of income
Native advertisements can generate considerable extra revenue
Customer-specific solutions
Our market-leading content recommendation algorithm is being developed according to specific customer requirements
Full automation
The entire functionality of the content management widget can be parameterized
GDPR compliance
User data privacy is guaranteed through the application of the IAB TCF 2.0 standard
High-functionality publishers' interface
Content management
real-time control over the widget’s content recommendations
Advertising controls
possibility to moderate creatives, percentage restriction of low-quality advertisements
Detailed and transparent statistics
advertising revenue, article clicks and shares, in-view rate of the widget
Financial management
preparation of financial summaries, record-keeping of invoices

Those who chose us
What is native advertising?
Watch our video animation and learn about the |related| platform!
If you want more visitors of quality and a new source of revenue, sign up now!
After registration, our colleague will contact you and provide access to the |related| platform's publisher interface.
Registration does not create any payment obligations, and the service can be canceled at any time according to the terms and condition.