About us
We believe in the power of content and good stories


Our mission is to bring the benefits of native advertising to the widest possible audience through the broad and innovative functionality of our native ad platform.


Native Advertising Ltd. is a Hungarian-owned media marketing company specializing in innovative advertising solutions, where we believe in the power of content and good stories. In Hungary we were the first to introduce the benefits of automated native advertising. Ever since we have been engaged in market development and education to promote content recommendation solutions for more effective marketing campaigns. We are present in the Hungarian market with the |related| brand since 2020. By now, the |related| native ad platform has emerged as an absolute market leader, with over 80% reach among total internet users in the country. Our services will be successfully launched on the international market in 2023.

In numbers

4000+ campaigns in the past four years
110+ publishing and content service partners
766 thousand paid ad clicks per month in 2023
1 billion ad impressions per month in 2023


Lászlo Papp
Business Development
Customer Relations
Tamás László Pálóczi
Head of Sales
Bianka Tóth
Campaign Manager
Balázs Friesl
Head of Development
Please send your resume to the [email protected] e-mail address and we'll reach out when we have an opening.