Frequently asked questions
What do we mean by native advertising?

Native advertising is a type of paid online advertising where the ads match the format, design and functionality of the webpage upon which they appear. Visitors perceive native ads as a natural part of the webpage, therefore content discovery and user experience are not hampered.

You can find native ads almost everywhere: Google AdWords is a native format that appears among Google search results, sponsored posts on LinkedIn and Facebook are native ads as well.

Our native ads always appear in the editorial section of the webpage and are always clearly indicated as supported content.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique that creates and distributes valuable content to the target audience. In contrast to traditional, often intrusive advertising, content marketing captures the interest of the target audience through relevant content.

Content marketing provides best opportunity to support brand awareness, brand recognition and customer loyalty. It can be integrated into all marketing channels that can include textual, image, video, sound or any other content.

Can content marketing and native advertising be combined?

Yes! Using native advertising as part of your content marketing strategy is a great way to find audience for your content.

This is also true in reverse: native ads are most successful when they are coupled with good-quality content. In other words, content behind native ads should be just as valuable as any other content of the website where they appear.

How can you help me reach my goals?

According to international trends, the role of native ads that appear in an editorial context, as well as contents that are valuable for the customers show a constant increase.

The market-leading algorithm that constitutes the backbone of the |related| platform ensures that advertisers’, partners’ or publishers’ contents always appear for the most relevant audience.Our custom-built native ad platform goes beyond the typical features of content recommendation and native ad solutions, and acts as an advertising technology "plugin" to help manage and monetize content, as well as exchange traffic between portals.

Our solutions enable advertisers and media owners to increase their revenues, enhance their business impact and ensure consumer satisfaction.

What are the main functionalities of the |related| platform?

The |related| native ad platform offers exceptional functionality both for advertisers and publishers even in the international comparison.

Advertisers are supported by detailed and reliable statistics for a comprehensive campaign management. Media owners have real-time control over widget content recommendations, including the possibility to moderate creatives or restrict the display of low-quality advertisements. The management of administrative and financial tasks are fully automated by the platform.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

What targeting options are available for advertisers?

Advertisements can be optimized based on context, keywords, domain, geographic location (geoIP), type of device and adblock usage. Advertisers are supported by detailed and real-time statistics, including the number of impressions, length of video displays, click-through rate, reaching targets or spending forecast.

What type of pricing models do you work with?

Our advertisers can choose between Cost Per Click (CPC), Cost Per Mille (CPM) and time-based pricing. We also support our advertisers with the possibility to reschedule or cancel unused credits. Please, feel free to ask for a quote by contacting us here.

|Related| intelligent content recommendation service is free for publishers and readers.

How can I request your services?

For online contract signing, fill out the registration form or Contact us! Our dedicated team will accompany our clients creatively and flexibly throughout the entire course of our cooperation.

We serve our largest customers directly and offer tailor-made solutions upon request. With |related| self-service marketplace our customers can also manage their advertising campaigns in a fully autonomous manner.

How do you implement social responsibility in your work?

As a leading native ad platform in Hungary, it is our genuine responsibility to fully comply with data protection regulations, including GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive. Accordingly, we apply the IAB TCF 2.0 standard, which allows websites to automate the management of their visitors' data preferences.

Our company is a member of the Hungarian Advertising Association and the IAB Hungary, whose code of advertising ethics we follow at all times. Supported content is always clearly indicated in all advertising activities served by the |related| platform. We also give prominence to the prior approval and real-time monitoring of all published content in order to prevent and detect any kind of abuse.

We care deeply about the fate of our fellow humans in need, the protection of animals, and the environment. Therefore, each year we provide free advertising opportunities for several charitable organizations through our publishing partners.

What references do you have?

Since 2020 Native Advertising Ltd. has been involved in more than 2500 advertising campaigns. Beyond 110 quality portals in Hungary successfully use our platform, thereby we reach over 80% of the total internet users in the country.
Source: Gemius Audience

In 2022 our company served over 800 million ad impressions per month. It can therefore be stated that a |related| native ad appeared on every third audited page impression in the domestic market.

Our main internationally renowned publishing partners are Ringier Hungary, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and ELLE, while our advertisers range from corner delis to the Hungarian State Treasury.

How can I contact you?

You can find our contact details here. We would be happy to support your initial steps with a free consultation.

Frequently asked questions - |related|