How can I change the cost of a campaign?

The budget set for a campaign can be changed at any time during the campaign, but the click-through rate (CPC) can only be changed until the campaign starts.

To modify a campaign, select the campaign and click on the gear icon on the campaign data page to find the Modify Campaign option.

Change click-through price for a running campaign

If you cannot change the price in the CPC price field because the field is inactive, it means that the campaign is already running and the price cannot be changed.

In this case, we recommend using the Copy Campaign option, which allows you to create a new campaign with existing creatives and set a new price.

To do this, click on the Copy with ads option in the campaign data page. This will create a new campaign with the same settings and creative as the previous one. Click on Edit Campaign and then rewrite the price. Once everything is ready, don't forget to start the new campaign, as it will be created paused by default to allow you to make the necessary changes.

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